If discretion is your main goal when selecting a straightener, Invisalign’s clear aligners may well be just what you’re looking for.
Invisalign clear braces are made from a practically invisible clear plastic. Patients often say that even their best friends and colleagues fail to spot these orthodontic wonders at work.
You’ll love the practicality of Invisalign, also. The clear braces are effortlessly removed for eating as well as brushing – making Invisalign among the easiest straighteners available to use.
And with astonishing end results for upper and lower teeth straightening possible in as little as 12 months, it’s not surprising that Invisalign ranks among Ivory Dental’s most popular straightening dental treatments.
As opposed to conventional fixed braces, that rely on brackets and wires being tightened up over time to move the teeth in position, Invisalign uses a series of removable aligners.
Each new aligner moves the teeth incrementally closer than the last towards the final shape of your ideal smile.
When you go forward with Invisalign, we’ll start out by creating an impression of your mouth in order to help develop your custom series of aligners. We’ll send this to Invisalign’s laboratory for development. But before anything else, our team will show you how your smile will look when treatment is complete, with our in-clinic 3D imaging computer software.
A few weeks later, you’ll be able to return to Ivory Dental for the fitting of your first aligner. After that, you’ll need to come in to see our team approximately every 2-4 weeks or so to receive your replacements.